Wednesday 23 January 2019

What makes needle free injections noteworthy

Needle free injections | Indiana Hospital And Heart Institute

What makes needle free injections noteworthy?

The pains of getting vaccinated can now be forgotten and overcome with the help of needle free injection. The medical field has now come up with a technology where the medicine can be injected into the body of the patient without any risks, complications and pains. This is a medical innovation that has been on the way is said to be beneficial to the categories of all age.
 It is said to get the patients free of their worries not only in the aspect of hygiene, but also in the aspect of pain. Medical technology assures that with the introduction of needle free injections. These injections are soon to be implemented in all Indian hospitals though some have already started using them. Medical practitioners say that a complete usage of needle free injections will be seen by 2023. The authorities using these medical aids must ensure that they are certified and hold enough authority to implement them. The permission to use them is legally given to the top suppliers, distributers and users.

How beneficial would the needle free injections be?
Needle free injections are said to be  more economical and safe to use. With every evolving technology, there are concerns aroused by its users. It is important to ensure that these needle free injections are really beneficial and safe to use. The following are some of the expected features of needle free injections:

Needle free injections are portable unlike the normal types of injections are portable at both long distance and short. Here, there is no need of extra concerns of carrying the injection from one place to another. This is because the medicine is stored in a mild intensity in such a way that it does not cause harm in open surroundings. The medicine stored in pre powdered format is mixed with the body fluids. Being used this way makes it portable from one place to another.

Equivalent to the cost
These injections are not as costly as they sound to be. They are used commonly in the developed healthcare centers that avail them at bulk quantities. Here, the blood samples are collected using suction tubes and not needles. Needle free injections help the patient get rid of the piercing pain through the suction jets that sucks in the necessary amount of blood. This sounds a very painstaking process, but is actually a very economic process which is equivalent to the budget of the patients.

Why are needle free injections as a user friendly technology?
Needle free injections are medically certified highly safe and normal to be used by all health centers to all their patients. Following are some of the reasons to call it safe.
Minimal skin response
In most cases, there is often news heard about syringe needles being used and reused. Some other times, there are cases where rusted syringe needles are used for injections. This does not happen in the urban areas but in the rural areas. These areas consisting of local healthcare centers try being economical by reusing the syringes many times. This causes types of skin allergies, rashes and skin diseases. Needle free injections are skin friendly. These work properly and are utmost skin friendly and safe. These devices need to merely be brought into contact with the skin lest they are used under restricted conditions.
Proper dosage deliverance
When medicines are delivered orally or injected into the bare skin using syringes, there is a chance of irritability. Some medicines when delivered in over dosage causes side effects like irritability, swelling and cracking of skin. Injecting a medicine into the skin is a task that is to be done with lot of care and professionalism. Most often, delivering an accurate dosage of medicine is a difficult task to do. Needle free injections help in the proper amounts of the medicine being injected into the body without causing skin irritabilities.   
Injecting devices, mainly syringe and their needles are to be double checked for their stability. Sterile devices are assured to be healthy and safe to use. Being practical, it is not always a feasible task to sterilize the syringes and the needles before usage. Needle free injections are pre- sterilized before use. Since there are no needles, the device is self-sterilized by itself. This ensures a longer time usage. Also, it is proven healthy by the manufacturing institutions which make it safe to use. This is another reason for the reason to use needle free injections.
Which fields of medicine are the users of needle free injections?
Needle free injections undoubtedly can be used in any field of medicine where there is a need of exigent transportation of medicine into the requisite body parts. The fact being that it can be used thoroughly in any part of the body, it is said to be most commonly used in peculiar medical departments where fruitful results would be seen.
Local anesthesia
Local anesthesia is a procedure that is used in those surgical procedures where there is an intense surgery to take place. Normally, they are used during hair removal, hair transplant and lesion growth on the peripheral skin. Here, the catheter is inserted deep since the surgery is a complicated and time taking. Most often the patients complain of a pain after the recovery of senses post-surgery. In future, needle free injections are said to replace the pains that the patients are likely to face.
Direct palmar bontona
Thoracic injuries are most common amongst the youngsters. These injuries are hard to heal and are difficult to be removed through surgery. These are painstaking to be operated on as well as to be cured. In other words these are also called as disc complaints. The surgery needs proper anesthesia which is accurate according to the physical conditions of the patients. These can be easily gotten rid of through anesthesia using needle free injections. This causes less pain.
Intralesional cortico steroids
These treatments are usually taken up for deep skin issues and other dermal allergies. It normally starts with saline treatment. The higher intensity lesions need to be operated upon through the surgical procedure. The normal anesthesia causes a lot of pain but, the needle free injections help in the safer way out.
Intralesional bleomycin
This is a health condition where there is additional skin growth both on the outer skin as well as the inner skin. These may need stitches and may leave marks afterwards. The usage of needle free injections contracts the intensity of its aftereffects.
I hope this article helped you understand more about Vaccinations and misconceptions regarding it. It would also serve you purposeful if you would like to know about the ways in which diseases can now be cured at genetic level.
I hope this article helped you understand more about Vaccinations and misconceptions regarding it.
Indiana hospital and heart institute are one of the best hospitals in Mangalore, Karnataka. We offer latest medical service equipped with advanced technology and a mind of compassion. Our specialized departments with expert doctors are always at your service. Well trained paramedics team is available 24×7 for emergency services.

Thursday 11 October 2018

Indiana hospital

Indiana hospital
Indiana Hospital

 Indiana hospital is one among the best hospitals in Mangalore providing the most superior services in the field of cardiology. We have received world class recognition for the services that we have rendered in the field of cardiology as well as in the other fields of healthcare. Ultimately, we wish to provide the best services to all our clients as well as patients without uncompromising standards of quality. Being well equipped in terms of staff, we are proud to say that they help us serve the clients with dedication.

Mostly, the concerns of the patients when they approach are about being cost effective by the end of the treatments received. The facilities provided at the hospitals ensure the safety and comfort of the patients and aims in avoiding any sorts of inconveniences to the patients. Ultimately, we aim in maintaining our reputation as one of the best hospitals in Mangalore services to our patients for a long time, ensuring complete health to everyone.

We are proud to say that, being one of the best hospitals in Mangalore , the reviews from our clients equal what we have desired for since the very beginning. Though we provide services in all fields, our proven areas of excellence are primarily neonatology and cardiology. We are also exploring the possibilities of expanding our other areas of services in order to expand our services.

Saturday 22 September 2018

Medical Emergency and Responses | Indiana Hospital & Heart Institute


It is of a human nature to panic during an exigent situation, getting confused with what to do and what not to do. During such situations, a proper and immediate medical assistance in the needful area is something that is looked forward to. If in case there is no medical emergency response available at that point in time, then the patients or the bystanders can seek the assistance of paramedics team who can serve with the needful help. The tips and tricks that are to be followed in such medical conditions are given in advance to the people. It is just to be checked that these tips have been systematically and accurately followed. For more details click on the link below.

Medical Emergency and Responses | Indiana Hospital & Heart Institute:

Tuesday 18 September 2018

Genetic disease | Curing diseases at the genetic level

Genetic disease | Curing diseases at the genetic level

Genetic diseases might not necessarily be acquired from either of the parents or the generations previous. It might be caused due to the nutritional deficiencies at the time of conception or at the time of birth due to improper care. Such diseases can be diagnosed well before the time of birth or immediately after birth and can be taken care of with proper medical attention. Its symptoms are visible on the outer from the very beginning. It may affect the person by multifactorial as well. Its symptoms can be visible during the first set of pre-birth scans in order to understand the stage of treatment to be followed. To know more details click the link below.

Genetic disease | Curing diseases at the genetic level

Friday 14 September 2018

Plastic and reconstructive surgery | Plastic Surgery and Its benefits

Plastic and reconstructive surgery | Plastic Surgery and Its benefits

plastic surgery

Plastic surgery or aesthetic surgery is today a regular process and is identified as a step closer to beautification. It needs to be done with an adequate knowledge and a good amount of experience for about a couple of years. Technology has made plastic surgery so common a phenomenon that it is something that can be chosen with no difficulty and can be done within no time. A person can choose any visible part of his body to be reconstructed or replanted with the help of plastic surgery.
To know more details click below link:-

Plastic and reconstructive surgery | Plastic Surgery and Its benefits:

Friday 7 September 2018

About our hospital- Indiana Hospital and Heart Institute

About our hospital

Indiana Hospital

Indiana hospitals, located in Mangalore is one of the renowned hospitals for our treatment in the field of cardiology. With world-class amenities, we are of the best hospitals that provide the premium services to our clients. We ensure the safety of the patient with each step we take towards them as a treatment. With adequate facilities of IP and OP, we have been certified the best by our patients over the past years. We understand our patients and their needs and value them more than anything. Therefore we provide treatments for them at the most affordable rates.

We provide services in the areas of cardiology, radiology, pulmonology, and pediatrics. We have been supported by the most efficient team of staff. We accommodate all our patients slotted for the day and ensure that their needs have been properly looked into. We take in over 300 in-patients at a time, looking into their requirements and welfare round the clock. We provide the best ambiance to our patient, that not only gives them a physical relaxation but also mental relaxations.

Though we provide services in all spheres in all spheres of healthcare, we excel and have proved our excellence in performance in the field of cardiology. We look into the diseases of the patients in almost 20 departments.

About our hospital- Indiana Hospital and Heart Institute

Wednesday 29 August 2018

Tips and Tricks to prevent monsoon diseases | Indiana Hospital

Tips and Tricks to prevent monsoon diseases | Indiana Hospital

monsoon diseases

Monsoon is the most vulnerable time in the year when there is the probability of the spread of most epidemics. No matter what, there might be diseases that might be prone to be affected in most people. This might either be due to the low immunity or due to the ill-maintained health and hygienic conditions in person.  Under certain situations, there are also chances of the outbreak of monsoon diseases and epidemics. These can be brought to control, but once found affected by a monsoon disease, proper treatment is to be taken. Click below link to know more...

Tips and Tricks to prevent monsoon diseases